11644 Dawson Range Rd
Boynton Beach, FL 33473
Phone 954-946-4774

The Sensible Way to Resolve issues
The law is complicated and can be confusing. In a divorce situation you have many choices. One might be to hire an attorney. This is a good choice, talk and gather information on how you might want to proceed. Another choice is, talk to a Family Mediator. You might be surprised to learn that most cases are resolved in mediation, not by a court trial. You may also be surprised to learn that trial judges will refer a case to mediation before the trial takes place. The reason is simple. Better than 85% of these cases are resolved in mediation. Less than 15% go to trial. This process is called "Pre-Suit Mediation.
Divorcenters, Inc. has a list of a few Family Mediators in the State of Florida that we recommend, that use the Video Meeting system provided by Zoom.com.
It is not necessary for you to leave your home or office to attend. It does not matter if one of the parties is not in the state of Florida. All you need is a "smart phone" to attend. You can see the Mediator and the Mediator can see both parties. Documents can be exchanged electronically. This method of mediation saves time and money. It also complies with the new norm caused by Coved 19.
Most parties in a divorce do not agree on all issues. Mediation is a process in which you use a fair and impartial third party to assist you in reaching an agreement. Once this is accomplished, the Mediator will prepare a "Memorandum of Mediation" . You can choose an attorney or family mediator, who will prepare all the necessary documents for an Uncontested Divorce.
Divorcenter, Inc. is in the forefront of technology, providing divorcing couples with a cost saving method of divorce.